We've arranged for you to be able to order Comprehensive Cardiovascular Lab Tests in case your doctor won't or can't order for you.
These are only available to people living in the United States (Excluding New York, New Jeresey, and Rhode Island).
We've added a nominal $40 fee to cover administrative costs to order these for you. You'll pay us that fee. Once we order for you, Evexia will send you an invoice so you can pay for the tests.
#1 Select the tests that you are interested in and submit your form below. Make sure you include your full address with city, state, and zip code. We will pass this information on to the lab on your behalf. NOTE: Make sure there is a Labcorp facility in your state.
#2 Wait for an email from Evexia Lab with your username and password (also check your spam folder) in 24-48 hours. Once you log in you will then be able to see the cost of the tests and can choose to self pay (no insurance accepted). After you pay Evexia will email you a requisition form for the lab.
#3 Print your requisition and take it to the nearest Labcorp facility. You can find a Labcorp close to you using this link: https://www.labcorp.com/labs-and-appointments. Self-pay testing is not available in NY, NJ, and RI.
#4. In 2 to 4 weeks after getting the tests done, you will receive your lab results via an email notifying you that the results are ready. They can be viewed in your account or you can print them out and take them to your doctor for interpretation.
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All prices in USD